Lesson 59: A walk you enjoyed🚶‍♀️

This week’s lesson examines a real Part 2 candidate task card on the topic of ‘a walk you enjoyed.’ This cue card was seen on an exam in 2022.

Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below).

Describe a long walk you enjoyed. Please say
– where you walked
– who you walked with
– when you walked
– and explain why you enjoyed the walk.
🧑‍🎓Target language:

aroma (adjective)
-a pleasing smell

“The day was fragrant with the aroma of spring flowers and it felt like the earth was renewed after such a dismal winter in lockdown.”

Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson. (If you do not yet have access, click here to sign up for full lessons.)

Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor. (If you have not yet been added to a group, click here to sign up – select ‘Join a Whatsapp group’.)

Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

“Last year when our country was in lockdown, my best friend and I made a wonderful habit of walking on the weekends. We would set out from our homes and typically walk along the waterfront, which is lovely. However, there were several occasions when we decided to venture even further and it was worth the effort.”

Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


Describe a long walk you enjoyed. Please say
– where you walked
– who you walked with
– when you walked
– and explain why you enjoyed the walk.

Last year when our country was in lockdown, my best friend and I made a wonderful habit of walking on the weekends. We would set out from our homes and typically walk along the waterfront, which is lovely. However, there were several occasions when we decided to venture even further and it was worth the effort.

On one particular day last March, we walked all the way to the marina of the nearby suburb. This is about one hour from our homes. My friend, Lina, and I set a good pace from the beginning and admired the beautiful weather, the sea and the onset of spring. All the while, we were talking about our studies, families and our personal lives. We began our walk around 10:00 in the morning, so by the time we reached the marina the sun was fully up and the day was warm.

When we got to the marina, we admired the various boats, and the warm sea air hinted at summer. The day was fragrant with the aroma of spring flowers and it felt like the earth was renewed after such a dismal winter in lockdown.

I guess you could say that after a depressing winter this walk filled us with a sense of hope and renewal, like a promise that better days were just on the horizon.


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