Lesson 63: Work-life balance👪

This week, you will train to speak about ‘work-live balance.’ The model is from Part 3 of a recent IELTS Speaking exam, so you’ll notice the questions are more open-ended and the candidate uses longer responses to better demonstrate their language.

Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below).

Part 3 Questions
Why don’t people have enough time nowadays?
Is it necessary for people to relax during the working day?
How can people achieve better work-life balance?
Does current technology cause people to waste time or save time?
🧑‍🎓Target language:

I think there are several reasons for this.
-phrase used to cue a longer response

I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, … For example, … Further,

Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson. (If you do not yet have access, click here to sign up for full lessons.)

Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor. (If you have not yet been added to a group, click here to sign up – select ‘Join a Whatsapp group’.)

Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

“I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, I believe instant messaging technology has made it difficult for people to disconnect from their professional lives. For example, it’s hard to ignore a request from a coworker if they can see through an app that you are online.”

Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


We’ve been talking about time, and I would like to ask you a few more questions about this topic. Why don’t people have enough time nowadays?

I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, I believe instant messaging technology has made it difficult for people to disconnect from their professional lives. For example, it’s hard to ignore a request from a coworker if they can see through an app that you are online. Further, in my country, life in general has become more expensive and this has demanded people commit more time to their professions. Often, both partners in a household need to work, which means household chores must be done in their free time.

Is it necessary for people to relax during the working day?

I think people should have the option, yes. Among jobs where a worker’s alertness is a safety concern, such as an airline pilot or a surgeon, periods for recuperation are enforced by law. Long stretches of non-stop work, especially strenuous work, can have serious health effects as well. Further, I think people are more productive when they are given short breaks throughout their workday, so it’s not only good for the wellbeing of the worker, but also the wellbeing of their organisation.

How can people achieve better work-life balance?

First and foremost, it’s important to allot time in your schedule where you completely disconnect from technology. People should regularly put their devices on silent and avoid interruption, or leave these devices at home when they do short errands or exercise outdoors. I would even go so far as to declare to work colleagues the timings at which you can’t be reached, whether that’s lunchtime, evenings or weekends. People should also prioritise work-life balance by writing clear goals for the important relationships in their lives. For example, parents should actively strive to be mentally present when speaking to their children.

Does current technology cause people to waste time or save time?

It does both. It makes it possible to communicate instantly with people, which could be helpful if you want to tell your friend you need to urgently change some plans. However, it’s also a source of a tremendous amount of distraction. I mean, it’s so common nowadays to be talking in person with someone only to receive a mundane mobile notification. I guess I would have to say that technology wastes as much time as it saves!


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