This week, you will train to speak about meeting people and social media.
Step 1: Listen to the full sample.
Step 2: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode.
Step 3: Engage the full exercise.
Step 4: Read through the below transcript and note the new language you encountered this week.
Step 5: Post your speaking samples to your Whatsapp group and wait for feedback.
Do people become friends because they have a similar personality?
While this can be true, I don’t believe this is always the case. I think there need to be some similarities like common interests or a similar sense of humour, but looking at my friends I would say that our personalities are actually quite different. There are other things that bond us: mutual understanding, shared experiences and the things I previously mentioned. However, on the whole I would not say our personalities are the same.
How do people in your country behave to a new person when they meet for the first time?
Well, in my country, we generally try to make the new person feel at ease. We definitely try to make them feel welcomed and so we show an interest in him or her. If the meeting is at our home, then we go to great lengths to make the newcomer feel honoured. So, we repeatedly offer food and drinks and make sure the guest knows that we value their presence.
How can we make people feel comfortable the first time we meet them?
In my experience, humour is the best way. People who use self-deprecating humour always seem to make others around them feel comfortable because it shows the other person they can relax and are free to be casual. When you show you can laugh at yourself you exhibit self-confidence while also breaking the ice with the people around you.
How do people maintain social contact with coworkers or colleagues?
I think social media goes a long way toward fostering personal relationships. Many of us don’t know our colleagues’ birthdays but apps like Facebook offer reminders so you can send someone wishes or even plan a mini celebration at work. Social media also lets you see who your co-workers are outside of work so you can see if you have similar interests or hobbies. This can be a starting point for a friendly relationship that extends beyond a simple acquaintance.
Do you think it is a good idea for companies to give breaks to their employees?
I think that even if companies don’t give them employees will find a way to take them! Few people can work without interruption or break for eight hours or more. The mind needs to unwind, the body needs to move – or not move – but no work activity can or should be sustained for many hours without a short break. This leads to burnout and exhaustion, which leads to lowered productivity…so short-sighted thinking can potentially have long-lasting results. That is why I think it is a tragic mistake to not allow employee breaks.
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