Lesson 94: Your name🧑

In this lesson, you will shadow talk Part 1 of a model IELTS Speaking exam and a very personal subject: your name!

Step 1: To start, listen to the full model response.

Step 2: The IELTSCast episode for this week’s lesson is temporarily unavailable.

Step 3: Work through the full exercise below.

Step 4: Read through the transcript and make note of any language you found challenging this week.

Step 5: Submit your five speech samples to your Whatsapp instructor.


Do you work or study?
I work in software for a tech company. I graduated from university a few years ago, and since then I’ve been working in the industry.

What kind of job do you have?
I’m a software engineer. This means I’m responsible for designing and developing software applications. My job involves coding, testing, and debugging software to ensure that it meets the requirements of the project. This role also requires I be familiar with project management frameworks to ensure the complex nature of our work is kept organised.

Do you feel pressure when you work?
Yes, I do feel pressure at times. Deadlines can be tight, and there’s often a lot of work to do. However, I try to manage my workload and prioritise tasks to ensure that I meet deadlines without sacrificing quality.

Let’s talk about names. Does your name have a meaning?
Yes, my name is Tom, which is a short form of Thomas. As I understand it, Thomas is a Greek name that means ‘twin’, although I don’t have a twin sibling. It’s a popular name in the UK and has been in use for centuries.

Do you have any family members with the same name as yours?
Yes, my grandfather’s name is also Tom. He’s been an important figure in my life, and we share a close bond. It’s an honour to have the same name as him, and it’s something that I’m proud of. I might even consider naming my son ‘Tom’ as well if I’m fortunate enough to have children one day!

Thank you.


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