Lesson 97: A leisure activity you did when you were young🏓

This week, you will use the speech shadowing process to talk about a leisure activity you did when you were young. Here is the cue card used in today’s training:

Describe a leisure activity that you did when you were young.

You should say:

-what it was

-where you did it

-who you did it with

-and explain how you felt about this activity

Part 1 and 2: These sections are temporarily unavailable.

Part 3: Complete the full exercise below.

Part 4: Refer to the below transcript of this week’s exercise and note any challenging language you came across.

Part 5: Submit your own speech samples to your Whatsapp instructor.


Describe a leisure activity that you did when you were young.

You should say:

-what it was

-where you did it

-who you did it with

-and explain how you felt about this activity

When I was young, I was an avid reader. I would usually read in my bedroom, which was my favourite spot to escape into a different world. My parents were very supportive of my reading habit and they would often take me to the library or bookstore to pick out new books. I would also borrow books from my friends at school and exchange recommendations with them.

Reading was a solitary activity for me, but it allowed me to explore different perspectives and ideas. It was a way for me to travel to different places and experience different cultures, all from the comfort of my own home. It was also a way for me to learn new things and broaden my horizons.

I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation whenever I started a new book. I would become completely engrossed in the story and would lose track of time. Reading was a way for me to escape from reality and enter a different world, even if it was just for a little while.

Overall, reading was a leisure activity that brought me immense pleasure and satisfaction when I was young. It allowed me to explore new ideas and perspectives, and it helped me to develop my imagination and creativity. Even now, as an adult, I still love to read and I credit my childhood reading habit for fostering a lifelong love of learning.


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