Lesson 106: Routines in your country⏰

This week, you will train for Part 3 of IELTS Speaking. The topic this week requires you use the present simple, as you are speaking about routines.

Step 1: Listen to the full sample.

Step 2: Work through this week’s sample ‘repeat after me’ exercise.

Step 3: Complete this week’s full exercise.

Step 4: Read through this week’s transcript and note the language you found challenging. Review this language in the coming weeks.

Step 5: Complete this week’s Whatsapp exercises with your instructor. Post your samples to your group and wait for your instructor’s feedback.


Are your daily routines similar to other people from your country?
Yes, my daily routines are similar to those of others in my country. We generally follow a consistent pattern of activities throughout the day, such as morning routines, work or school commitments, designated break times, recreational activities, and evening preparations for sleep.

Are routines easy to change?
Routines can be both easy and challenging to change. It depends on factors like personal motivations, external circumstances, flexibility of commitments, and individual adaptability. Some find it easier to adjust to new routines, while others may struggle. For example, someone with a more structured work schedule may find it harder to modify their routine compared to someone with a more flexible lifestyle. Ultimately, the ability to change routines varies from person to person.

At what time of the day do you prefer to carry out your routines?
Personally, I prefer morning routines. Starting the day early allows me to be productive, energised, and focused. After waking up, I engage in my morning hygiene routine and have a nutritious breakfast to fuel my body and mind. This helps me feel energised and ready to tackle the tasks and responsibilities that lie ahead. I find the peaceful atmosphere in the early hours further enhances my concentration and sets a positive tone for the day.

How do people in your country spend their free time?
People in my country engage in various activities during their free time. These include pursuing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, personal development through reading or attending workshops, and utilising technology for entertainment or information.

What did people do in their free time in the past?
In the past, people engaged in traditional forms of entertainment. Activities such as socialising, playing traditional games, reading books, writing letters, and outdoor pursuits were common. People connected on a personal level and appreciated simpler pleasures.

How have current leisure activities changed compared to the past?
Leisure activities have significantly changed due to technology and societal shifts. Digital entertainment, such as streaming movies, playing video games, and social media, has become prevalent. Traditional hobbies and outdoor activities still exist but have taken a backseat. Efforts are being made to promote balance between digital engagement and real life experiences, encouraging physical fitness, social interaction and personal growth.


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