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Episode 136: Someone who loves cooking🍳

It is not uncommon to see topics like ‘food’ and ‘cooking’ on the IELTS. Today, you will practise to speak about a person that deeply enjoys cooking. This training is for Part 2 of the speaking exam.

Step 1: As with each week, we will start this lesson by listening to the model.

Step 2: This week’s episode of IELTSCast gives you a few sample sentences with which to train your speaking. There is a transcript below you can refer to if needed.

Step 3: Below is this week’s full lesson. If you do not yet have access to these full lessons, please click here.

Step 4: Read through the below transcript. Be sure to note any and all new language you come across.

Step 5: We now have Whatsapp groups! Contact Ryan to be added!


Describe someone who loves cooking. You should say:
-who this person is
-what kinds of dishes they usually cook
-who they usually cook for
And explain why you think this person enjoys cooking so much

I would like to talk about my aunt, Lauren, who is an ardent lover of cooking. She is a middle-aged woman with a passion for culinary arts that is truly inspiring.

Auntie Lauren is an exceptional cook and her culinary skills encompass a wide range of dishes from various cuisines. However, her specialty lies in preparing exquisite Italian dishes, particularly pasta and homemade pizzas. The aroma of her cooking often fills the entire house, creating an inviting atmosphere that captivates everyone’s senses.

Most frequently, she dedicates her culinary expertise to her immediate family – her husband and three children. Sunday dinners at her house have become a cherished tradition, with family members eagerly anticipating anything she prepares.

The reason behind Auntie Lauren’s unwavering love for cooking can be attributed to her belief that food has the power to bring people together. I think for her, cooking is a form of expression, a way to show love and care for those around her. Furthermore, my aunt once told me she views cooking as a therapeutic activity, a creative outlet through which she can experiment with flavours. She takes great pleasure in the entire process – from selecting the freshest ingredients to meticulously crafting each dish with precision and passion.

In conclusion, my aunt is a remarkable individual who loves cooking not only for the sheer joy it brings her but also as a means to connect with others.


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