Lesson 176: How to talk about your childhood🧒

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This week, we’re looking at a new exam. In this exam, the examiner asks you to talk about your childhood.

Step 1: Tune in to this week’s lesson. (Audio and video version below.)

This week’s Part 1 questions:
Where are you from?
Do you work or study?
Do you enjoy studying this?
Let’s talk about childhood. Did you have a happy childhood?
What kind of things did you enjoy doing as a child?
Did you have any childhood dreams about your future career?
Did you help your parents with any kind of work when you were a child?
Are there any skills you learned as a child that are helpful to you today?

Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson. (If you do not yet have access, click here to sign up for full lessons.)

Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor. (If you have not yet been added to a group, click here to sign up – select ‘Join a Whatsapp group’.)

Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲
Where are you from?
I’m from Romania, a country known for its rich history and beautiful landscapes.
Do you work or study?
At the moment, I’m studying data science. It’s a field that combines statistics, programming and analytical thinking to solve complex problems.

Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


Where are you from?

I’m from Romania, a country known for its rich history and beautiful landscapes.

Do you work or study?

At the moment, I’m studying data science. It’s a field that combines statistics, programming and analytical thinking to solve complex problems.

Do you enjoy studying this?

Yes, I really enjoy studying data science. It allows me to work on real-world problems by analysing data patterns. I use these patterns to support decision making, and I find this really rewarding.

Let’s talk about childhood. Did you have a happy childhood?

Yes, I had a very happy childhood. I was fortunate to grow up in a supportive family. I have many fond memories of exploring forests and hills with my friends and family.

What kind of things did you enjoy doing as a child?

As a child, I loved exploring the outdoors. I also enjoyed reading, playing board games and working on little projects or hobbies with my friends.

Did you have any childhood dreams about your future career?

Yes, I did. At one point, I wanted to be an engineer because I enjoyed building things and solving problems. Later on, I became fascinated by computers and technology, which naturally led me to the field of data science.

Did you help your parents with any kind of work when you were a child?

I often helped around the house with chores. Because I was only a child, I did simple jobs like cleaning and helping my parents with tasks in the garden. We also had a pet dog that I was responsible for feeding and walking.

Are there any skills you learned as a child that are helpful to you today?

Definitely. Problem-solving was something that I started practising as a child through activities like puzzles and strategy games, and it’s a skill that is invaluable in data science. Also, the discipline I gained from helping my parents with chores has been crucial in managing my time and staying organised while studying. These basic skills are absolutely critical to me today.

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