This week’s exercise looks at a Part 1 response.
Step 1: Listen to this week’s sample response.
Step 2: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode.
Step 3: Work through the full exercise.
Step 4: Read through the below transcript and note the new language you came across this week.
Step 5: Engage this week’s speech exercises with your Whatsapp instructor.
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
I live in a semi-detached house.
What makes your home special?
I think the garden is what makes it so inviting. It is lush and green, with beautiful flowers planted.
Do you keep things from your childhood?
I have more mementos than I should! I have stuffed animals, certain pieces of artwork and even some sports jerseys. I simply can’t bear to part with them! Let’s talk about lifestyle.
Do you think people should spend their free time at home or outside?
Given the amount of time most of us spend indoors for work I believe we should spend leisure time outside. Of course, someone who works outside would probably better appreciate time inside, perhaps reading, cooking or relaxing. It really depends on what a person’s lifestyle is but in our free time we should do what we miss at work.
Has technology changed the way people spend their leisure time?
Most certainly it has. You no longer need to leave your home to spend time with friends; you just do a video call with them. Even the way we meet people has changed. Most of my current circle of friends are people that I met online. Let’s talk about books.
What type of books do you read?
Well, I make every effort to read books written in English. I tend to prefer historical fiction books. I used to try to read classics but I find that language has changed so much in the past two hundred years or so that when I read something from that era, it’s like reading a different language! So, now I prefer more contemporary fiction.
Do you think you read more when you were younger compared to now?
I was a total bookworm when I was younger. My parents had to scold me to put the books away to go to bed. I think after my university studies, when the purpose of reading was necessity and not pleasure, I reduced the amount I read for leisure.
Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book it is based on?
Not that I am aware of. I usually do the opposite. I like a book, the movie is released and then I compare my take on the story to the director’s. I usually prefer mine!