Category: Yourself

  • Lesson 94: Your name🧑

    In this lesson, you will shadow talk Part 1 of a model IELTS Speaking exam and a very personal subject: your name!

    Step 1: To start, listen to the full model response.

    Step 2: The IELTSCast episode for this week’s lesson is temporarily unavailable.

    Step 3: Work through the full exercise below.

    Step 4: Read through the transcript and make note of any language you found challenging this week.

    Step 5: Submit your five speech samples to your Whatsapp instructor.


    Do you work or study?
    I work in software for a tech company. I graduated from university a few years ago, and since then I’ve been working in the industry.

    What kind of job do you have?
    I’m a software engineer. This means I’m responsible for designing and developing software applications. My job involves coding, testing, and debugging software to ensure that it meets the requirements of the project. This role also requires I be familiar with project management frameworks to ensure the complex nature of our work is kept organised.

    Do you feel pressure when you work?
    Yes, I do feel pressure at times. Deadlines can be tight, and there’s often a lot of work to do. However, I try to manage my workload and prioritise tasks to ensure that I meet deadlines without sacrificing quality.

    Let’s talk about names. Does your name have a meaning?
    Yes, my name is Tom, which is a short form of Thomas. As I understand it, Thomas is a Greek name that means ‘twin’, although I don’t have a twin sibling. It’s a popular name in the UK and has been in use for centuries.

    Do you have any family members with the same name as yours?
    Yes, my grandfather’s name is also Tom. He’s been an important figure in my life, and we share a close bond. It’s an honour to have the same name as him, and it’s something that I’m proud of. I might even consider naming my son ‘Tom’ as well if I’m fortunate enough to have children one day!

    Thank you.

  • Lesson 91: Shoes👟

    This week, you will train for IELTS Speaking Part 1. This model talks about a very unique topic: shoes!

    Part 1: Listen to the full sample.

    Part 2: Tune in to this week’s IELTSCast episode and practist repeating some of the language.

    Part 3: Complete the full speech shadowing exercise.

    Part 4: Read through the transcript and identify any areas to review.

    Part 5: Submit your speaking samples to your Whatsapp instructor.


    Do you study or work?

    I am currently pursuing a higher education at a well-renowned university. I am studying a multidisciplinary field which is a balanced combination of my diverse interests.

    Where do you study?

    My university is located in the bustling city centre, providing a perfect combination of academic rigor and cultural diversity. It’s a supportive learning environment that I find motivates me to achieve my goals.

    What type of shoes do you wear?

    I am quite meticulous when it comes to footwear, as it plays a crucial role in my daily comfort. I usually wear premium sneakers made from high-quality materials, which offer excellent cushioning and support.

    What is your favourite colour for shoes?

    My favourite shoe colour is navy blue. I find it to be a timeless and stylish colour that can be easily paired with a wide range of other clothing.

    Do you often buy shoes in this colour?

    Yes, I often purchase shoes in this particular shade as I find it to be a reliable choice for various occasions. Moreover, because it is a darker colour, any scuffs or other signs of wear and tear are difficult to see.

    How often do you buy new shoes?

    I believe in the philosophy of investing in quality over quantity, which is why I don’t buy shoes frequently. I usually purchase a new pair of shoes every 8 to 10 months, or when my current pair starts to show clear signs of age.

    When did you last buy a pair of shoes?

    I actually bought my last pair of shoes just a few weeks ago. They are navy blue sneakers made from premium materials, and I am thoroughly impressed with their comfort and performance. I can confidently say that they are among the best shoes I have ever owned.

  • Lesson 88: Your job and advertisements📮

    Talking about your job is one of the most common topics in IELTS Speaking. In today’s lesson, you will train to speak about this topic and also the topic of advertisements.

    Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below).

    Part 1 Questions

    Do you work or study?
    What are your responsibilities at work?
    Why did you choose this job?
    Is there something you don’t like about your job?
    Let’s talk about advertisements. Tell me about an advertisement you saw recently that you enjoyed.
    Would you like to be in an advertisement one day?
    🧑‍🎓Target language:

    primary (adjective)
    -central or most important

    “My primary responsibilities include monitoring inventory levels along our supply chains and arranging stock replenishment when it is needed.”

    Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

    Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson. (If you do not yet have access, click here to sign up for full lessons.)

    Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor. (If you have not yet been added to a group, click here to sign up – select ‘Join a Whatsapp group’.)

    Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

    “My primary responsibilities include monitoring inventory levels along our supply chains and arranging stock replenishment when it is needed. I communicate closely with our sales team and create purchase orders for items based on our forecasted figures.”

    Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


    Do you work or study?

    I am currently working as a purchasing manager with a medium sized construction company.

    What are your responsibilities at work?

    My primary responsibilities include monitoring inventory levels along our supply chains and arranging stock replenishment when it is needed. I communicate closely with our sales team and create purchase orders for items based on our forecasted figures.

    Why did you choose this job?

    I actually didn’t choose this job. I was working as a warehouse manager when a vacancy as a purchasing manager opened up. The directors at the company thought I would be a great fit for the role and encouraged me to join.

    Is there something you don’t like about your job?

    I like most things about my job, but if I had to choose something I would say that the role requires dealing with a fair amount of uncertainty, and I don’t terribly like this. The construction industry has seasonal fluctuations, and sometimes demand for our product can be difficult to forecast. This can be a source of significant stress for me.

    Let’s talk about advertisements. Tell me about an advertisement you saw recently that you enjoyed.

    Recently, I saw an advertisement for a new mobile application that promised to help users stay organised and manage their time more effectively. What I liked about the advertisement was that it was very visually appealing and easy to understand. They used simple and clear language to convey the features and benefits of the app and the animation was very engaging.

    Would you like to be in an advertisement one day?

    I think it could be an interesting experience to be in an advertisement one day. I could use it as a great opportunity to showcase my personality and talents to a wider audience. However, I would only want to be a part of an advertisement campaign that aligns with my values and beliefs.

  • Lesson 85: Snacks🍪

    This week, we’re talking about everyone’s favourite topic: snacks!

    Step 1: Listen to the full band 9 sample.

    Step 2: This week’s IELTSCast episode is temporarily unavailable.

    Step 3: Complete the full exercise.

    Step 4: Read through the below transcript and note any new or challenging language you encountered this week.

    Step 5: Complete this week’s speech exercises with your Whatsapp instructor.


    Where do you live at the moment?

    I live with my parents in their house, which is north of this city.

    Do you like snacks?

    Yes, I do. Because my family is Chinese, we mostly eat traditional snacks from our hometown such as a crispy rice called ‘guoba’ and roasted peanuts. I also like dried fish snacks, which are usually quite spicy so you have to couple them with a drink of some kind.

    What time of the day do you prefer to have snacks and why?

    Where I am from, people tend to snack all day and I guess I would say I follow suit. In the early morning, it is not uncommon for me to start my day by snacking on salted ginger. If I’m feeling peckish in the afternoon or evening, I might grab a handful of sunflower seeds. In my opinion, anytime is a great time to snack on something!

    Do you think snacking is a healthy habit?

    I guess it depends on what you’re eating. I presume snacking on processed foods like potato chips or chocolate wouldn’t be great for your health long term. Traditional snacks from my country tend to be quite natural, though. They’re mostly fresh or dried foods with few –if any– additives. I guess so long as you’re careful to munch on unprocessed foods only, snacking can be considered healthy.

    What were your favourite snacks as a child?

    Well, my snacking choices as a child were much less healthy than they are today! I enjoyed sweets and other sugary snacks. I remember my classmates and I would often get frozen snacks after school that were sweet and very similar to ice cream. My snacking choices have obviously evolved quite a bit since I was young!

    If you had a child, what snacks would you give him or her?

    I would try to push them towards the healthier options that I mentioned earlier. People say eating habits are partially established in childhood, so I think it is important to set a good example early. This doesn’t mean that a child can’t have the occasional sweet snack, but what’s important is to remember that moderation and mindfulness are key.

  • Lesson 84: Teaching styles and learning👨‍🏫

    This week, you will speech about different teaching and learning styles.

    Step 1: Listen to this week’s band 9 model response.

    Step 2: Watch this week’s IELTSCast episode.

    Step 3: Engage the full speech shadowing exercise.

    Step 4: Read through the below transcript. What new language did you learn this week? Make a note so you can review this language at a later date.

    Step 5: Submit your speaking samples to your Whatsapp instructor.


    We’ve been talking about a lesson that you remember well, and I would like to ask you a few more questions about this topic.
    What makes a lesson memorable?

    I think a few things help achieve this. Firstly, the teacher has a lot to do with it. Teachers that can make a subject interesting to the learner will always have memorable lessons. The learning environment can also enhance the experience. I used to study Arabic with a tutor while living in Dubai. We would meet in shopping malls and he would help me practise by watching me speak in Arabic to shop owners. Those were lessons I will never forget!

    Why do people hire private tutors?

    In many cases, it depends on the student’s learning style. Some people prefer having designated one-on-one time with the teacher so that they can focus on their own weaknesses without having to concern themselves with the needs of other students. I enjoy both classroom instruction and private tuition, but when studying languages I prefer having a private tutor that can give me immediate and ongoing feedback. I feel this accelerates my progress.

    How are younger and older teachers different?

    They are different in many ways. Often older teachers have a much deeper understanding of the topic they are teaching, and this just comes from experience. However, younger teachers might have better understanding of technology and how the topic might be applied to contemporary times. In the advertising industry, for example, there may be statistical understanding that an older teacher explains better, whereas a younger teacher has a better grasp of the reach and demographics best hit by apps like Instagram.

    How have teaching styles changed compared to the past?

    Teaching these days makes much greater use of technology. I can’t remember the last time I saw a classroom with chalk sticks and a blackboard. Since COVID, it is also common for teaching styles to blend distance with in-person learning. Certain skills are also considered central to the learning experience now. For example, a lot of learning these days demands students research a topic using a variety of media on the internet.

    Do you expect people to learn in the same way in the future?

    I feel learning styles will forever evolve, but for now I think learning will occur through a blend of virtual and in-person methods. I feel like humanity is still a bit shaky on how to use some of the technology that was introduced during the global lockdown, so I don’t anticipate drastic changes in the foreseeable future. I imagine the next few years will involve solidifying our use of current technologies.

  • Lesson 82: Leisure time and books📚

    This week’s exercise looks at a Part 1 response.

    Step 1: Listen to this week’s sample response.

    Step 2: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode.

    Step 3: Work through the full exercise.

    Step 4: Read through the below transcript and note the new language you came across this week.

    Step 5: Engage this week’s speech exercises with your Whatsapp instructor.


    Do you live in a house or an apartment?

    I live in a semi-detached house.

    What makes your home special?

    I think the garden is what makes it so inviting. It is lush and green, with beautiful flowers planted.

    Do you keep things from your childhood?

    I have more mementos than I should! I have stuffed animals, certain pieces of artwork and even some sports jerseys. I simply can’t bear to part with them! Let’s talk about lifestyle.

    Do you think people should spend their free time at home or outside?

    Given the amount of time most of us spend indoors for work I believe we should spend leisure time outside. Of course, someone who works outside would probably better appreciate time inside, perhaps reading, cooking or relaxing. It really depends on what a person’s lifestyle is but in our free time we should do what we miss at work.

    Has technology changed the way people spend their leisure time?

    Most certainly it has. You no longer need to leave your home to spend time with friends; you just do a video call with them. Even the way we meet people has changed. Most of my current circle of friends are people that I met online. Let’s talk about books.

    What type of books do you read?

    Well, I make every effort to read books written in English. I tend to prefer historical fiction books. I used to try to read classics but I find that language has changed so much in the past two hundred years or so that when I read something from that era, it’s like reading a different language! So, now I prefer more contemporary fiction.

    Do you think you read more when you were younger compared to now?

    I was a total bookworm when I was younger. My parents had to scold me to put the books away to go to bed. I think after my university studies, when the purpose of reading was necessity and not pleasure, I reduced the amount I read for leisure.

    Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book it is based on?

    Not that I am aware of. I usually do the opposite. I like a book, the movie is released and then I compare my take on the story to the director’s. I usually prefer mine!

  • Lesson 79: Your workplace layout, your routine and dreams📅

    This week examines several common Part 1 topics, including your workplace and your routine. The discussion evolves to also include the topic of ‘dreams’.

    Step 1: Listen to this week’s lesson.

    Part 1 Questions
    Do you work or study?
    How would you describe the layout of your workplace?
    What do you do every day after you get up?
    Do you normally go to bed early?
    Is your daily routine going to change in the future?
    Do you usually remember your dreams after you get up?
    🧑‍🎓Target language:

    double (verb)
    Something that is used in or play another thing.
    “The CEO works alone from the room that doubles as our company’s main meeting room.”

    Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

    Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson.

    Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor.

    Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲
    “My workplace is made up of several large office rooms with three or four workers in each room. Everyone has a desk and each office usually has a small table with an electric kettle for coffee and tea.”

    Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


    Do you work or study?

    I work in software development at a large organisation in this city.

    How would you describe the layout of your workplace?

    My workplace is made up of several large office rooms with three or four workers in each room. Everyone has a desk and each office usually has a small table with an electric kettle for coffee and tea. We’re a small organisation, so the CEO works alone from the room that doubles as our company’s main meeting room. It has a large table and a whiteboard.

    What do you do every day after you get up?

    The first thing I do is make a thermos of coffee while checking news headlines on my phone. Then I shower and get ready for work. I don’t usually eat breakfast at home because there is a small and inexpensive cafe next to our building.

    Do you normally go to bed early?

    Yes, I’m almost always in bed by shortly after 9. I have a bad habit of watching media on my phone before bed, which I’ve read can disturb sleep patterns, but I’m nevertheless completely dead to the world by about 10 o’clock.

    Is your daily routine going to change in the future?

    No, barring some unforeseen change to my employment, I don’t think it will.

    Do you usually remember your dreams after you get up?

    No I don’t, and I don’t particularly want to remember them. I find switching from one reality to another disorienting. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had a dream I could recall!

  • Lesson 76: Photos🖼️

    This week’s lesson examines a Part 1 response that asks the candidate about their studies and the topic of ‘photos’.

    Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below):

    Part 1 Questions
    Do you work or study?
    Do you enjoy studying this?
    How will your studies help you in the future?
    Let’s talk about photos. Do you enjoy taking photos?
    Do you like to take photos of yourself?
    Would you consider getting a professional photo taken of yourself?
    Do you have a special family photo?
    🧑‍🎓Target language:

    At the risk of sounding (adjective),
    -awareness that saying something may cause a certain perception

    At the risk of sounding narcissistic, yes, I do enjoy taking my own photo.”

    Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

    Step 3: Engage this week’s full ‘repeat after me’ exercise.

    Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor.

    Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

    “Yes, it has been my dream since childhood to study psychology. The different theories that attempt to explain human behaviour never cease to amaze me.”

    Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


    Do you work or study?

    I study psychology at the university here.

    Do you enjoy studying this?

    Yes, it has been my dream since childhood to study psychology. The different theories that attempt to explain human behaviour never cease to amaze me.

    How will your studies help you in the future?

    I hope to attend a graduate programme to get a specialisation in family and child psychology, so my undergraduate degree is a necessary first step.

    Let’s talk about photos. Do you enjoy taking photos?

    Photography is one of my hobbies, so yes, I can often be found with my camera taking pictures of beautiful scenery.

    Do you like to take photos of yourself?

    At the risk of sounding narcissistic, yes, I do enjoy taking my own photo. Essentially though, it’s because I am never happy with the photos others take of me. So, if I don’t take a decent photo of myself once in a while, none would exist.

    Would you consider getting a professional photo taken of yourself?

    I was somewhat forced to do this last year. My brother and his wife arranged for a series of family portraits for my parents’ wedding anniversary. It was a lovely, albeit awkward, experience.

    Do you have a special family photo?

    Interestingly, even though a professional took our photos, I don’t consider these “special.” For me, I consider a photograph from my brother’s graduation special. The whole family is there, even my grandmother who is no longer with us. We are happy and just beaming with pride.

    Thank you.

  • Lesson 74: Something that surprised you😲

    This week you will train to speak about a situation that surprised you.

    Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below):

    Describe something that surprised you. You should say
    -what it was
    -how you found out about it
    -what you did
    -and explain how it made you feel
    🧑‍🎓Target language:

    vast (adjective)
    -of great extent

    “My tutor had seen vast improvement in my listening”

    Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

    Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson.

    Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor.

    Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

    “Well, unfortunately, I am about to describe an event that surprised me in a negative way and it is a little embarrassing but here goes. What surprised me recently was the result of my last IELTS exam when I got 6.5 in listening!”

    Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


    Describe something that surprised you. You should say
    -what it was
    -how you found out about it
    -what you did
    -and explain how it made you feel

    Well, unfortunately, I am about to describe an event that surprised me in a negative way and it is a little embarrassing but here goes. What surprised me recently was the result of my last IELTS exam when I got 6.5 in listening!

    I had been preparing for IELTS for several months with a tutor and had completed at least 10 listening tests, so I felt very well prepared. My tutor had seen vast improvement in my listening and gave me glowing words of praise so my confidence was soaring. Even after I left the exam, I was certain I had achieved my required score.

    Several days later, the notification that my results were available arrived. When I logged on to see the score, I was aghast. I told no one – I simply left the office and went for a walk. I don’t even remember where I went! I called my tutor and let her know what had happened. I believe she tried to console me but to no avail.

    Shortly afterwards, when I had calmed down, I realised where I had gone wrong in my exam and now I am certain I won’t repeat the same mistake again.

    Thank you.

  • Lesson 73: Sharing details about your workplace👨‍💼

    This is one of the most common topics in IELTS Speaking Part 1: your workplace! Use this week’s lesson to train for this critical exam topic.

    Step 1: Tune in to this week’s podcast episode (audio and video version available below).

    Where are you from?
    Do you work or study?
    How do you feel at work?
    What do you usually do at your workplace?
    Would you change anything about your workplace?
    Do you prefer to call a colleague on the phone or send them an email?
    🧑‍🎓Target language:

    when it rains it pours
    -something that happens in small amounts and then unexpectedly in large amounts

    “I would change the pace of the work. For some reason, when it rains it pours.

    Step 2: Listen to the sample a few times to get more familiar with the language.

    Step 3: Engage this week’s full speech shadowing lesson.

    Step 4: Below is Monday’s speech exercise. Post yourself saying this excerpt to your Whatsapp group. Exercises for Tuesday to Friday will be posted in the group by your instructor.

    Post yourself saying this into your Whatsapp group!🗣️📲

    “I am from a lovely seaside town about two hours from here.”

    Step 5: It’s very important that you note any new language items or pronunciation points from this week’s lesson in your journal to help you chronicle your improvement.📝


    Where are you from?

    I am from a lovely seaside town about two hours from here.

    Do you work or study?

    I work as a lawyer in a large law firm.

    How do you feel at work?

    Usually, I feel very stressed. It’s a demanding job and when you know that someone’s freedom is at stake it can be very overwhelming.

    What do you usually do at your workplace?

    I spend a considerable amount of time on the computer, writing briefs, researching laws, precedents – anything that is relevant to the case I am representing. I also have meetings with clients and other lawyers. 

    Would you change anything about your workplace?

    I would change the pace of the work. For some reason, when it rains it pours. By that I mean that some periods are very slow and during other periods the workload seems insurmountable. 

    Do you prefer to call a colleague on the phone or send them an email?

    For work-related issues, I do both. I call the colleague to discuss and then I follow up with an email so that there is written documentation of our conversation. It is a bit tedious but absolutely necessary in my line of work.